Website Maker

Standard Reports

Many pre-prepared report for almost every need

Horizon includes the reports most people need organized for easy access for accounting, membership, collections, event management and committeee or group activities.

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Approved Horizon Membership management software includes loads of preformatted

reports, the kind of reports most organizations need.

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Approved Horizon Membership management software includes loads of preformatted

reports, the kind of reports most organizations need.

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Approved Horizon Membership management software includes loads of preformatted

reports, the kind of reports most organizations need.

Report Generator

On the fly list generation for email, print fax or billing actions

 There is always a need for something special, and that is why Approved Horizon includes a report writer that allows you to create your own custom reporting. Save, modify, and feed your reports to:
Event Registration
Committeee Registration
Referral System
or other external systems.

Advanced Tool support

Crystal is supported for advanced live reporting

Do you have a specialized requirement for reporting?  Want to build  Dashboards with live statistical feeds driving piecharts and graphs?  Horizon supports Crystal Reports, so there are no limits to the reporting you can create.